Monday, August 24, 2009

Miss 'J'

Here's a sneak peak of Miss 'J''s photos. We met last weekend, and had the best weather. Not too hot, not too windy, and no rain! She is a beautiful senior inside and out. She has a wonderful smile and eyes that just sparkle!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Senior "J"

I had a great time taking photos of Mr. J the other night. What a trooper. The weather was hot! I have some great shots, and here's your preview.

It was nice meeting you, along with your mother and sister. How'd your mohawk turn out? Now THAT would be a fun photo! LOL

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Reef Tank

I was able to take some photos at Jen's place last night. She has the most amazing aquarium you have ever seen. Everything is so vibrant. I took TONS of photos, and learned a few things about taking photos of fish (they're REALLY fast!).

It was nice to hang out with Jen and her kids for a few hours.